Thursday, January 6, 2011

Eat, Pray & Love

Last night we had our movie night (MN). We dont have any specific day for our MN as it is depends on Danisha sleepin mode. If she sleep early, then we can enjoy our night by watching movie together. Tapi takde lah popcorn. Normally I will choose the genre - action movie or comedy movie or love story. Sometimes horror movie, but it will be the last choice as I jenis penakut gile and akan tengok part-part yg ngeri tu kat celah-celah jari sbb dah tutup muka dgn tangan kan, tapi still nak tengok juga kan.

But, last night, I was so surprised that my husband pick this movie for our MN. Sungguh terharu. Ok, setakat pilih cite ni, nak gedik terharu konon. Ooo...darling you are so sweet. To me, it's a big deal, sebab dia susah sikit nak layan cite gini kan. Unless di paksa then, terpaksa lah tengok. To be honest, we dont read the book. Tak tahu ujung pangkal cite ni. Masa beli CD dari 'pengedar tak sah' kami, dia yg pilih cite ni. I ok je lah. Even cita dah berzaman, kiteorg baru nak tengok.

I'm a big fan of Julia. Tapi, a bit disappointed with her. I tak feel dia...cewah. Seriously, takde connection bila I tengok cite ni. Tapi I admire Bali. Tak pernah pegi lagi. Tapi cantiknya tempat tu. Especially, Liz's place. Gigit jari tengok.

Ada a few scene yg menyentuh perasaan juga lah. I tak pernah baca buku ni, so the judgement is based on my personal view. I tersentuh hati masa dia & x-husband nak divorce. Stephen love her so much, tapi if setakat cinta sahaja tak mencukupi jika tiada pemahaman, kebahagiaan, kejujuran dan tolak ansur. Saya suka baca non-fiction sebab it's based on real life, real story of people that consists of loads of experience that we can learn from it. As a lesson to us. Bagi saya, pegangan iman dan sentiasa merujuk kepada ALLAH adalah jalan yang terbaik untuk mencari ketenangan jiwa. Pegi melancong or pergi ke suatu tempat yang lain dengan alasan untuk mencari punca hidup bagi org2 begini tak sama dengan pencarian punca hidup dengan org Islam. Kehidupan dalam Islam sangat-sangat mudah.

Hubby cakap, the best actor is Ketut Liyer...... gelak separuh nafas bile dia sebut Ketut Liyer, the Medicine Man. Hahahahah. That's the best part to laugh. The man without teeth. Joke alligator tu rasa cam pernah dengar je.

I love Julia as Elizbeath Gilbert (Liz) style. Sangat-sangat cantik.

naik basikal pun cantik

Kesimpulan, we enjoyed the movie. Eventhough ada part yg we all rasa cam tak masuk akal. Pas ni boleh lah cari buku.

Selamat berhujung minggu....


Ermayum said...

i nak tgk gak sebab suka jUlia but belum jumpa lagi dvd heheh sweet hubby ayu - kalu mr hub sewa 5 cd ,2 cd i but kena tengok sorang uwaaaaaaaaaaa :)

part mencari diri and hala tuju tu betul kita sembahyang ja la betul2 insyaAllah jumpa diri kan

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