Friday, July 2, 2010

Dia dah mula dah.....dia dah start dah....

PANIK menyerang.......jangan ko coba-coba mendekati diriku ini. Mid-term exam is just around the corner. This semester I managed to register only 2 subjects je. Tak larat nokss nak cover lagi 3 subjects. Jenuh. Ni pun dah bernafas tercungap-cungap nak kejar dateline submit assignment dan study for the mid-term, alhamdulilah cover 1 subject je utk mid-term. Financial Management II. Aduhai, dah lah takde background accounts, memang saya bengap sikit kalau nampak figure. Memang boleh huru hara paler otak. Dari stabil, terus leh bengong kalau bab pengiraan.......tu arra...masa kecik-kecik tak nak belajar sungguh-sungguh, la ni baru nak meraung...tak dapek lerrrrrr nak nolong....sapa yang terror accounts, tolong saya sini.

Well, going back to school, raising children and having to cope with our 9-5 job its really challenging. Plus, the watsoever million of challenges that we have to face it, handle it, take it everyday just enough to wreck our sense and sensibility. Life must goes it, take it or leave it.
Padan muka ko Cikayu!!!

This year, insya'allah boleh complete my degree. Tinggal 1 semester je, in December. I hope I can do well. Thank you ALLAH for give me the strenght to move on and to fight all the obstacle along my journey to grab the success and to achive what I'm aim for.
My family, especially my dearly hubby, thank you for always be there for me, thank you for stick on the chair to listen my complaint for not being efficiently to complete my assignment when it's all becouse of my MALAS!!


FAM said...

all the best! ;)

Unknown said...

jgn panik!!! you can doowit!!! GAMBATE!!! ^_^

Ermayum said...

aminnnnnnnn xpa next week kita release tensi k :)

eifa said...

wow stadik lagik...sungguh kagum...really kagum ngan mommy yg further stadik kisah ler degree ker master ker...nk keja si comey laie...nk kejar pakcik laie...nk kejar bos laie...hebatt..huhuhuh

tringin nk mek master...lom ader kekuatannn...huhuh nwey dudlak yeh ;-)

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