Thursday, January 14, 2010

tido lah sayang..

2-3 minggu ini, bukan hari ye, danisha kerap tido lewat. tanya bbsitter dia tido petang lewat ke. tidak juga. jam 3 tido, pukul 5 dah bangun, kadang-kadang tak sampai pun 2 jam. saya ambil dia selalunya jam 6-6.30 pm. 2 kali seminggu je lewat, sebab operasi pecah lemak hingga jam 8pm.

kami suami isteri mempraktikkan tido seawal mungkin, kecuali ada sebab tertentu, macam ada cerita menarik ke nak tengok juga sampai abis, maka terkorbanlah time tido awal. tapi lately ini, danisha kerap tido lewat. aduhai, nak menidokan dia satu hal. rumah dah gelap gelita ini, nak ajak main lah, loncat-loncat atas katil. runtuh lah katil mama, icha oiii.....selalu nya saya boleh tahan lebih kurang 1 jam je, pastu dengan suasana nyaman, gelap gelita, mata dah tak leh nak go lagi....hubby lah selalu yang layan kerenah icha. maap lah sayang...i pantang suasana gelap ni.

tips nak tidokan toddler ni, macam-macam, ada suggestion mandikan air suam, give a massage & drink warm milk. semua tu dah buat dah. kadang-kadang jalan, kadang-kadang tak jalan. tapi banyak yang tak jalan lah..

maybe this article below might help to those mommies whose have same experience like mine! dan kami sedang cuba tolerate dengan masalah tido icha ini. mata laki bini dan macam panda kat china tu haaaaa....


From ages 1 to 3, most toddlers sleep about 10 to 13 hours. Separation anxiety, or just the desire to be up with mom and dad (and not miss anything), can motivate a child to stay awake. So can simple toddler-style contrariness.

Note the time of night when your toddler begins to show signs of sleepiness, and try establishing this as his or her regular bedtime. And you don't have to force a 2- or 3-year-old child to nap during the day unless yours gets cranky and overly tired.

Parents sometimes make the mistake of thinking that keeping a child up will make him or her sleepier for bedtime. In fact, though, kids can have a harder time sleeping if they're overtired.

Establishing a bedtime routine helps kids relax and get ready for sleep. For a toddler, the routine may be from 15 to 30 minutes long and include calming activities such as reading a story, bathing, and listening to soft music.

Whatever the nightly ritual is, your toddler will probably insist that it be the same every night. Just don't allow rituals to become too long or too complicated. Whenever possible, allow your toddler to make bedtime choices within the routine: which pajamas to wear, which stuffed animal to take to bed, what music to play. This gives your little one a sense of control over the routine.

But even the best sleepers give parents an occasional wake-up call. Teething can awaken a toddler and so can dreams. Active dreaming begins at this age, and for very young children, dreams can be pretty alarming. Nightmares are particularly frightening to a toddler, who can't distinguish imagination from reality. (So carefully select what TV programs, if any, your toddler sees before bedtime.)

Comfort and hold your child at these times. Let your toddler talk about the dream if he or she wants to, and stay until your child is calm. Then encourage your child to go back to sleep as soon as possible.

source : All About Sleep


Queenin Murni said...

salam terjah.. :)

adam pon sama.. selalu tido lewat..
thanx to article ni, mmg salah kitaorg lah:
"the desire to be up with mom and dad"

tp camne nak tido awal,sy ni bukan ada maid nak uruskan kerja rumah..sendiri kena buat laa..
sob sob sob!

CiKaYu said...

samalah kita, takde maid. semua kena buat. memang i think toddler takkan nak tido awal, the desire melebihi nak tido.

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