Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tips from the kitchen..
Ants Problem:
Boil water first before freezing.
Add one teaspoon of vinegar to hair, then wash hair.
To avoid smell of cabbage while cooking:
To rid the smell of fish from your hands:
Wash your hands with a little apple vinegar.
To avoid tears while cutting onions:
Chew gum.
To boil potatoes quickly:
Skin one potato from one side only before boiling.
To boil eggs quickly:
Add salt to the water and boil.
To check freshness of fish:
Put it in a bowl of cold water. If the fish floats, it's fresh.
To check freshness of eggs:
Put the egg in water. If it becomes horizontal, it's fresh. If it becomes slanting, its 3-4 days old. If it becomes vertical, its 10 days old. If it floats, it's stale.
To remove ink from clothes:
Put toothpaste on the ink spots generously and let it dry completely, then wash.
To skin sweet potatoes quickly:
Soak in cold water immediately after boiling.
To get rid of mice or rats:
Sprinkle black pepper in places where you find mice or rats. They will run away.
Friday, January 23, 2009
marah = makan
Tag dari Cik Yan
The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tagged 6 people.
I am
I really want to go to...
My favourite place...
My Fav Drink..
My fav food...
My fav colour...
I live in...
I was born in...
My School/College...
My fav story...
My Hobby...
selepas menyelesaikan tag ini, seharusnya anda tag juga blogger yg lain, namun, saya agak malu2 kucing di sini...kerana amat baru..apa kata kite bersuai kenal dahulu.....maybe lain kali ye...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Apa-apa pun...syukur Alhamdulilah....
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
seliparku berlobang
tapi bile dah berlobang ni, kena ganti lah gamaknye, takkan nak pakai juga...lagipun tapak dah haus....tapi sayang nak buang. kenapa? sebab selipar ni di beli dari bata dan corak selipar itu adalah hasil lukisan anak2 yatim acheh ketika tsunami melanda. syarikat kasut bata telah menjadikan hasil lukisan mereka tu dicetak di atas selipar supaya pembeli dpt membeli sambil menderma. kesimpulan, tiba masanya tuk aku mengantikannye yg baru. gambar akan dipaparkan disini tidak lama lagi...amik gambo guna kamera, tak bawa pula wire. will update soon...sekian.
oleh itu bekerja lah bersungguh2, sesungguhnya dengan bekerja, secara tidak langsung kite juga beribadah.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Hari yang ceria..
mari kita bercerita tentang diriku...umur? baru menginjak
love shopping, handbags, pretty clothes, reading, travelling and many more...yg penting aku sudah pandai blogging....(ada ke ayat ini)...apa lagi yg nak cite...
more stories to tell...tunggggguuuuuuuuu
New comer
kenapa? hasil terdorong dari membaca blog mereka2 yang memberikan inspirasi...heheheh......
kenapa sekarang, kenapa tidak dahulu lagi...
well...tiada keberanian berbuat demikian...tak tau nak cite apa...nak bebel apa...
apa-apa pun..akhirnya ku ada blog sendiri....tu yang penting..